Pirates Workshops
Shakespeare Workshops
History Workshops
Theatre isn’t just about putting on a costume and reciting some words! Theatre creators have many skills needed to stage a successful performance.
Our educational workshop packages are specifically designed for 5 - 11 year-olds as well as all other age groups, and typically last for 90 minutes, although they can be adjusted to fit your requirements. The workshops are led by two actors and together with props, parts of costumes, masks, musical instruments and sound system, provide tools for the students to use, to create the environment of the given piece. Each package comes with follow-up study notes and fact sheets.
Over the past 25 years Ian Britten-Hull, our producer/director has devised and led educational packages for young people on a variety of topics and for various companies. Some of the companies Ian has produced these educational packages for include; Shakespeare 4 Kids, Rainbow Theatre, Seagull Theatre and Spin Off Theatre. In addition to this Ian has toured as a freelancer across the UK to; schools, theatres and community venues. Drawing on his experience in educational productions as an education resource A.M.A. Theatre Co. are pleased to have Ian at the helm for a variety of educational workshop packages. We hope you will find the programme invaluable whether you are a school, drama group, youth club or a company and we look forward to working with you.
All of our workshops encourage creativity, which in turn, helps with self-expression, self-esteem, builds confidence and self-expression. Many of these workshops can educate everyone in the community, not just young people.
Some workshops cover multiple sessions, whilst others are designed for single sessions. If you are interested in one of our workshops for your school, group, team or community, please get in touch for further information and a no obligations quote, either via email: or call us on 01462 481969.
Under the Brave Black Flag
Under the Brave Black Flag; our most popular workshop is an educational programme run by A.M.A. Theatre Co. and is designed for students to study the history of pirates of 18th century. The workshop looks at why some people became pirates and what their life was really like. The workshop enable students to understand the truth about piracy rather than the romantic versions often presented in films and books. The workshop encourages students to ask questions and discuss the topics covered.
The students also get involved by acting in short scenes led by the actors. They are encouraged to imagine themselves in the situations that pirates lived through; and how they might react to the similar situations themselves.
The setting for the educational programme workshop is representative of the “House of Commons,” in a fun and educational environment; where the children are divided into two groups with each group sitting facing each other. The actors play the leaders who direct and coordinate everything within the educational programme, with a comical type speaker dressed like a judge.
We introduce a simple topic such as “Should riding your bike on the pavement be banned?” The programme leader and speaker, will then help examine the pros and cons of the subject. This particular educational programme has been tremmendously popular in as much as rather than schools organising a trip to the House of Commons, we have brought the experience right to their doorstep.
Kings and Queens
In this educational programme, the students explore the history of the monarchy from William the Conqueror through to Queen Elizabeth II.
We examine how Richard III lost the battle of Bosworth Field and how that led to the Tudors taking the throne, paving the way for one of the most famous kings of England, Henry VIII and his six wives!
The programme also discovers how and why we lost our monarchy with James I and how it was restored. Come with us on a roller coaster ride through history and discover all about our famous Kings and Queens!
Call to Book: 01462 481969
A Midsummer Night's Dream
Helping students to understand and to introduce them to our greatest playwright, William Shakespeare, A Midsummer Night's Dream.
The students examine the twisting plot line from Theseus and Hippolyta through to the lovers, the fairies and rude mechanicals.
The students find out about the characters and enact short improvise scenes. Finally, everyone tells the story, led by Mr William Shakespeare himself.
Call to Book: 01462 481969
The Victorians
Travel back in time to the mid 1800’s and discover what life in England was like all those years ago. You will find out how hard life was for many people, especially children who had to go out to work! The work the children did was often very tiring and dangerous. They had to climb up inside chimneys to clean them, or they had to crawl along dark, dirty and dangerous underground tunnels collecting coal.
Looking at true life accounts from letters and role-playing exercises, students will discover what life was really like for the Victorians.
Call to Book: 01462 481969
Film Making - Multiple Sessions
Our film making course runs over 5 x 2 hour sessions and culminates in making a short 5 minute film for which everyone keeps a copy.
This session helps participants to work as a team and encourages contributions from everyone. This helps motivate self-expression and a sense of wellbeing by feeling important in the process. The workshop stimulates imagination and creativity. It creates a sense of responsibility in the individual which in turn helps with self-esteem and expression in everyday life.
you can download here a full infopack with details of each session:
Acting - Single Session
Using the skills of the actor, this one off session uses creates a fun environment where the participants engage in improvised scenes exploring everyday situations and breaking down the barriers that may cause obstacles. The session helps you to build confidence in public speaking and controlling feelings of anxiety when delivering your point of view. With relaxation exercises and physical warm ups we unlock the constraints we may feel in expressing ourselves confidently when engaged in situations such as going for an interview or presenting you ideas at work.
Costume Design - Single Session
Costume designers, design and make the costumes for a stage production and in this session, our costume designer will work with you to make simple fashionable items. This may be anything from a simple handbag or purse to a stylish top! This workshop encourages you to create from your own imagination by choosing from a variety of fabrics and coming up with the idea of the design for your product. The costume designer will guide you through step by step from marking the pieces, to cutting and how to sew everything together with the sewing machine. Every participant gets to keep the finished item.
Writing - Single Session
Every play needs a script, and someone has to write that script! But this workshop is not just about writing scripts, it explores ways that you may express yourself more clearly through the written word. This can help those struggling to write job applications, or communications to organisations. The workshop is run by our artistic director, Ian, who has years of experience writing scripts and published novels. The session shows you how to plan out what you want to say and teaches you how to construct your written piece.
Sword Fighting - Team Building
Single Session
Working in a team and understanding the motivation, is one of the keys to success in getting on in life. In our fun sword fighting workshop, you will learn the basics of fencing but as you face your opponent, you have to anticipate their next move and make lightning fast decisions because your life depends on it!