Adventure Games

The Immersive Adventure Games - we currently have 4 game themes:

Adventures in Wonderland – The Time Travellers Adventure – Treasure Island Adventure – The Circus Adventure 

Adventure Games
Adventure Games

This thrilling new concept will inspire children’s imagination, encourages problem solving and encourage team working all in a fun and exciting environment.

Groups of up to 25 children between the ages of 5 to 11, explore four zones with the game hosts. In each zone there are challenges to overcome and puzzles to solve. There are puppet creatures who will help the children, or trick them along the way; there are magic illusions which hide a clue and there are tasks to complete.

Each zone has its own vibrant setting and is complete with a sound system for special effects and music. The Game Show comes in various formats for varying event types. For larger events, there is also special lighting to enhance the atmosphere. The stage play based on the adventure games will be touring later in the year.

Download a copy of the brochure - email us at or simply give us a call on 01462481969 for a no obligation quote. We look forward to hearing from you!